Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Human Connections-Relationships

This is a great video about relationships an interesting point made about how kids don't learn from teachers they don't like. Nothing new but so right! I certainly had some teachers who I didn't click with or really truly respect. Because of this I either taught myself because I had exams that were worth something to me or gave up on the subject. Which if we let our students give up on a subject doesn't that mean that we have given up on the student? Have we done our best job if students give up?
I wonder how I can use positive affirmations each morning to raise students confidence in themselves?
I love her positive attitude and turning a negative situation (the F) into a positive and you can only imagine the student will next time try their best to do better not only to please the teacher but also do better for themselves. I think sometimes that is the key getting them to take ownership of their own learning.

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