Sunday, 16 June 2013

Raw&Flawed, Published vs Perfect-Student Voice

I really like the idea of using our blogs to showcase the process of learning rather than the mastered learning. I like the idea of publishing raw ideas ready to get feedback all the way along. He is right in the momentum being great at the start. I notice this with comments as well. The sooner the kids see the comments the more impact they get from them.

Publishing student voice from EDtalks on Vimeo.

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Giving kids choice-Who holds the power

I really like this idea as a way to get the kids thinking about who holds the power and to reflect on my own teaching. Am I making too many of the decisions? Am I letting the kids take ownership of their learning? How could I give them more choice in the day?
I would be interested in trialing this with my class and maybe adding a column with what they would  like to have more choice or say in?

Who has control?

Interestingly, when I’ve spoken to the students in Year 6 lately, they’ve told me that they have lots of control in the classroom. I can’t say I agree, though they may well have plenty of control compared to previous years at school. So, to give both myself and the kids in my class a better idea of who had control over the various aspects of the classroom, I decided to have a big discussion around this.
Below is the result of this discussion:
Miss Winder controls:Teacher and kids have joint control:Kids have control:
  • Deadlines
  • Direction of discussions
  • Mathletics tasks
  • Warnings
  • Units of inquiry- “big ideas”
  • Trips
  • Visitors
  • “Thoughts on this” board
  • Brain teasers
  • Tasks
  • Opt in meetings
  • Group meetings
  • Class meetings
  • Learning intentions
  • Choosing goals
  • Deadlines
  • Noise level
  • Success criteria
  • “Did you know” board
  • Planning the day – decide when to do things
  • Where the furniture is in the room
  • How we behave
  • Who we work with or whether we work alone
  • How we use our time
  • Where we sit
  • What we do for fitness
  • Whether we attend opt in meetings
  • Choose how hard we try
  • Choose what rewards we get
  • Whether you need to get a drink or use the toilet
  • What/with whom/when you talk
  • Choose what you want to learn within the big idea in inquiry
  • Choose to add your ideas to the “thoughts on this” board
  • Choose what to write about for goal practice
  • Choose what to do when weekly tasks are finished.

Human Connections-Relationships

This is a great video about relationships an interesting point made about how kids don't learn from teachers they don't like. Nothing new but so right! I certainly had some teachers who I didn't click with or really truly respect. Because of this I either taught myself because I had exams that were worth something to me or gave up on the subject. Which if we let our students give up on a subject doesn't that mean that we have given up on the student? Have we done our best job if students give up?
I wonder how I can use positive affirmations each morning to raise students confidence in themselves?
I love her positive attitude and turning a negative situation (the F) into a positive and you can only imagine the student will next time try their best to do better not only to please the teacher but also do better for themselves. I think sometimes that is the key getting them to take ownership of their own learning.

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Storytelling ipad apps Master Class

This morning we meet for a master class on Storytelling apps on the ipads.

Sock puppets was the first one we looked at for an animated way to tell a story.
The saved copies can be found under open and to delete you just hold down on one you want to delete and it will come up with a delete button to push.

Toontastic was another recommended one. This has a plot, setting, characters, problem and solution to all plan and plot your story out with.

With Puppet Pals you can insert your own photos eg: you as the character or our school as the setting. You can save it to your camera roll to upload onto your blogs by inserting as a video or going through safari on the ipad as it is a video.

Big cats are big book read-a-louds but you can also go to story creator and retell the story the kids have just listened to.

Book creator is another great app that you can then save as an ibook. With book creator you can add a photo, sound or even video.

TIP-To stop the annoying update beeps go to settings then notifications then find the app that keeps popping up and push to off.