Monday, 20 August 2012

Promise Jar

Well the promise jar has been a success!
On Monday we started the week by coming up together with our classroom goal and how we would achieve this. Then we sat in a circle to share what we were going to work hard on with our behaviour to put in the promise jar. What a great day we were all able to have, the kids really responded to this circle time and talking and I guess giving them a chance to think about and acknowledge the behaviour that sometimes gets them into trouble because they have completed their work or they are distracting other etc.
Some examples of comments that went inside the jar were...
-I will be kind and I will get my work finished on time.
-I'll be nice and friendly and responsible for what I do.
-Be a good role model and I won't break any of the Golden Rules.
-I will follow the Golden Rules and be responsible for others to learn.
(Just for time, as the children went around and shared their promise I wrote their name at the top of the page and their promise).
Yes there were still times where I had to remind some children that they might have to look at their promise again on the whole I was very impressed!
While this week is set to be another busy one and the weather will mean a lot of indoor lunchtimes I am confident that it will be a good week :-)
Below are a few pictures of our class goal and promise jar.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Danielle
    It sounds like your new behaviour management strategy (your promise jar) is working well. It's just what you needed by the sounds of your previous post.
    A very creative idea... and with the unstructured production practices etc it's good to have something the chn can work toward and feel success in achieving.
