Monday, 25 June 2012


Having spent part of the term learning to write a procedure we have followed this on with writing an explanation which is along the same lines but more difficult. So knowing that my lower writers were still struggling with writing a procedure with all of the structure and instructions which are easy to follow I thought we would start off our explanations working in groups (mixed ability so that kids can learn of one another particularly the lower ones seeing from the more capable ones how it is done). We began with the topic of how milk is made. I gave each of the four groups a powerpoint which I found on which was awesome because it had a picture with a blurb underneath. They then had to cut each part out and create a flowchart which is a great way to plan for an explanation piece of writing. Once they had created their plan they had to use it to as a group create their group explanation beginning with a tittle, opening statement or question and then the explanation. In the class we have four netbooks so one group at a time I thought we could use etherpad to collectively write an explanation. It was cool to see that those who wouldn't generally write much in one writing lesson were wanting to play their part and loved seeing how much they were writing and what parts were theirs. It was definitely great for motivation (even for the more able writers). I managed to capture some videos of their initial thoughts which was exciting to see.

Next we did an explanation on how a tadpole turns into a frog. I found a cool template for creating their tadpole and turning it into a frog on and then printed off some information on the process. From these I got some of the group to work through with me highlighting the important points while the others that are more hands on learners to create the tadpole/frog model. As a group they then created a flowchart plan from their highlighted texts. Then from their plan they created their explanation. The groups have all used great opening questions and are obviously learning from the experiences. Once the group had finished their explanations together I conferenced with the group against the tick checklists that we use in their books for different writing genres. This got them justifying that they had completed the explanation.

So next step is to write an explanation on why birds chirp and then why popcorn makes a popping sound. I have got notes for each child to highlight and put into order. From there I will get the two groups that have had a turn on etherpad to have a go at writing their own explanation and the other two groups will take their turn on etherpad working collectively with their writing. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Sorry about that Danielle - I deleted the comment because you actually answered the question! My comprehension skills were lacking... However, thanks for sharing your ideas. I like the frog to tadpole link. I have a number of children who would benefit from the hands on approach of making a puppet.
      An interesting question one of my children asked recently (transport theme) was - Why does the key go in near the steering wheel? Whilst there were answers I could offer him - I don't know what the real answer is. Thank goodness for Google!
