Tuesday, 20 September 2011

ICT Trial with Jo

The first session with Jo was very full on with a lengthy survey.  It was hard to gage for some of the statements where we would fit. But the second session was valuable to talk about it in more detail and with a clearer understanding of each statement. Bouncing ideas off the whole syndicate and with Jo allowed us to see that we are actually doing more than perhaps we first thought.  We are being reflective of our own practice with our individual blogs and do have great PD opportunities with the cluster meetings at Southwell. It is great to have tools such as class camera's, and flips to capture the moment to then share with the students, their families and the wider school community. It is hard with ICT time being limited but hopefully the netbooks we have got are just the start of students being able to access this technology more readily. It is an exciting time looking to what is ahead but it sounds like we are on track to offer our students the tools to become life long users of this technology.  One interesting thing to come out of our meeting was the school's vision towards ICT and the need to consolidate this so that everyone has a clear direction and reason for using these forms of technology.  I guess we know what were using our own class blogs for and the purpose of this but having a clear understanding of our school vision will continue to steer us in the right direction for future ICT growth.

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