So it has been a few weeks since my post on a frustrating day in the classroom.
Since then I have started implementing various parts from that rather length post.
The Super Star has worked a TREAT! The class has NEVER walked so well around the school. Today I used it for the first time walking to the ict suite which granted isn't far from our class but wow they did it well. Lined up outside the suite well and came in and sat down on the mat like angels ready for their instructions. Everyone did it so well that I gave my two Super Stars 10 minutes free time on the computer while we looked at our big book. But I also gave the rest of the class a tick on our Golden Rules chart. Another thing that works on rewarding individual positive behaviour and I made it known that I was so pleased with everyone's efforts.
The blowing the answer in the hand and releasing it has been a great way to stop the calling out and a fun way to all share the answer. Again it seems to be working well.
The magic necklace isn't working as well as I had hoped. I think the kids are still settling into the routines of what happens when I am with a group and the expectations. When I hand the first necklace out they seem to remember and try hard to stay on task but this can wane quickly.
Another thing that has worked well in making students accountable of their own behaviour is ending each day this week with circle time. In this circle time the kids have the whole day to think of what they are going to share. One thing they are proud of with their learning and one person they have spotted working hard and what they spotted them doing. It has been good for the well behaved kids to hear that others have noticed their hard work but I think it is also important that the children that need to remember their good choices hear others acknowledging those that have been focused learners and makes them stop to think about what they have done well at today.
We have still only got the one puzzle piece. Unfortantely we have had some children sent to the reflection room at lunchtime which has spoilt it for us in getting our second piece.
Tomorrow we are doing handwriting and I will be introducing the Handwriting Hero and Printing Princess ( I have already got a spiderman mask and princess crown ready for them to wear) which I hope will be as much as hit as the Super Stars are.