Today was a challenging day but on the positive side there are always those children that you can rely on to bring a smile to your face. Whether it is being obviously proud of their swimming achievements or coming back from a Techsperx meeting to so confidently share with the whole class what they learnt. Stepping them through the process step by step.
We are in Week 4 now and it has been a challenging start to the year. I need to remind myself that the first two weeks weren't full weeks and Rome wasn't built in a day, because it feels like the weeks are rolling by and what have we actually achieved? Looking back we have done a lot but I guess I would have liked to have been further ahead...Establishing expectations does take time and the more you put into it at the start the more I will get out of it as the year goes by.
Before coming home I set up my class jigsaw puzzle where the class have to work well together to gain a puzzle piece with the aim being to complete the puzzle having collected all the pieces. To make this I found a picture which resembled people working together as a team and have cut it up into jigsaw pieces. Hopefully the puzzle pieces themselves will reiterate the message of working as a team (class).
So coming home I have turned to Pinterest for help and more ideas...
What other great strategies are out there to use?
I found which has some great ideas.
I like her idea of the 'Secret Star.' She uses this when moving around the school (another area some of my kids are struggling with). She tells her class that she is going to be looking at how well her secret star makes it to their destination without talking. She picks a name out of her secret star container but doesn't tell the kids who it is. The idea being that they will all walk quietly as they don't know if it is them. If the secret star is not quiet then she just tells them that her secret star did not make it this time without telling everyone who it was keeping them on their toes. She gave the kids a starburst when they got back to class. This is something I will have to look at. What kind of reward will I substitute it with instead of lollies? Maybe computer time as this is a popular choice in the class...
I also found this cute little song to the rhythm of 'Do Your Ears Hang Low.' To promote walking sensibly to the hall.
Are you ready for the hall?
Are you standing straight and tall?
Are your hands behind your back?
Are you leaving any gaps?
Are you quiet as can be?
Are you looking straight at me?
Now, let's go quietly.
She also had a cute idea at handwriting time. She has a 'Printing Princess' and a 'Handwriting Hero.' She picks one boy (the hero) and one girl (the princess) to acknowledge for their fantastic handwriting effort and displays this on the special wall. How could I alter this?? Perhaps take a photo of their work and post it on our class blog??
The other idea I liked was the Magic Necklace. When she is busy working with groups she tells her class that she is looking for a friend to earn the magic necklace for their hard work. She called it the magic necklace because it was made from solar beads and changed colour in the sun. I like this idea and I remember having a dress up crown in my class last year when we were looking at fairytales. The kids loved wearing the crown throughout the day and this is something I could capitalise on.
To stop calling out I saw a cool video (just below) where the kids blow the answer into their hand when the teacher says release they all call it out together.
As a attention grabber saying 'Class' and the kids saying 'Yes' and vary the rhythm to it.
I like the gestures that they use like when they share their ideas the teacher claps twice and raises her hands in the air and says 'teach'. Then the kids clap back and raise their hands in the air to say 'Ok'. I think this clap signal might be a good idea for those in my class that struggle with instructions. The clap and movement might help them follow along and give them a chance to make some noise.
Something else I have seen before is brownie points and I would like to try this next term as I already have my behaviour ladder with the kids names on pegs to move up and down signally where their behaviour is, as well as starting the jigsaw. We also have earlybirds for the individuals who get on with their work quickly and I think that is probably enough for now.
But I would like to try the brownie points with the reward being making some brownie when the cooking tray is fill of brownie.

I also wonder about using music more in my class. The type that they aren't all going to get up and dance too in the middle of maths, or reading or writing but something that can just be played calmly in the background. Then the music can be the volume guide. If the kids can't hear the music then they know they need to be quieter.
This (below) is a powerful video about working together and I wonder how I could use this with my class. I could start with a voicethread comment from each child on what the video meant to them. But it would be good to take it even further and get them to realise they are the ones that control their behaviour and hopefully ignite that intrinsic motivation to be the best that they can be.